New to SOAC? Forms & Important Info
Want to stay in the loop? Sign up for our newsletter! On the form, you can let us know what information you would like to receive (volunteer, teacher, coach, etc.).
Click here to sign up for the newsletter!
Click here to view the SOAC Calendar page for upcoming events.
Who can participate?
Any student with intellectual disabilities is eligible – all they need is the Medical Packet available in the links below (links will open PDFs in a new window). The medical forms last for three years and then must be filled out again. The form requires a doctor’s signature every time they are filled out and submitted. We cannot allow any athlete to participate without these forms. The best thing for you to do is to start working on getting these forms to SOAC as soon as possible. If you have questions about form renewals please feel free to contact us with your student roster and we can let you know who needs their forms renewed. We are happy to help in any way we can!
Please visit the SONC page below for participation forms:
Become an Athlete
Athlete Participation Packet
Athlete Participation Packet (Spanish)
SOAC 2021-22 Athlete Registration Form
Young Athletes Registration
Young Athletes Registration (Spanish)
Tournament Registration
We ask that you register athletes prior to the event so that we can determine our needs for the tournaments. We will provide forms for the registration that will be sent out 5-6 weeks prior to the event. Forms are also included in this packet. We will also try to provide Survey Monkey options for registration.
Project Unify
Please ask us about Project Unify. It is a program run by the state that allows you to recover some costs associated with sports or events that include Special Olympic Athletes and typical students. It is a great program and a great opportunity.
Unified Partners
We are all about inclusion – not exclusion!! We would love for all team sports to include typical students on teams with our athletes. All you need to do is fill out a Unified Partner Form prior to the event. The form is provided below and will open a PDF in a new window.
Unified Partner Application
We rely on Special Olympics coaches to help athletes with intellectual disabilities find their own strengths and abilities. They also show them how to build upon those strengths and improve every day. If you are interested in coaching Special Olympics please complete the coaching interest form from the SONC website, linked below.
Become A Coach
While many programs are specific to our partnerships with the school system and Elon University Intramurals, we welcome and encourage volunteers from the community to get involved as Unified Partners. Our annual Spring Games is our largest event and relies on more than 1,200 volunteers in the community for everything from competition partners for our athletes to lunch preparation and medal distribution. If you are interested in volunteering with SOAC please contact us for more information and the next steps.
For more information about SOAC, and for volunteer information contact:
Mackenzie Greenly
336-570-6760 •