Spring Games Cheat Sheet 2024
Spring Games 2024 – Cheat Sheet
Contact: Mackenzie Greenly, Adaptive & Inclusive Recreation Coordinator
Alamance@sonc.net, Office: 336-570-6760 /Cell: 336-212-4331
When: Thursday, April 11th
Where: Elon’s Belk Track, Bank of America Dr, Elon 27244
- Registration begins at 9am, Opening Ceremonies begins at 9:45am
- Please arrive at 8:00am if you are an all-day/morning volunteer
LUNCH: Athletes, Volunteers, Teachers and Buddies will be provided lunch. Lunch will consist of a sandwich, chips, fruit and a water.
- We will have multiple water stations around the field and encourage you to bring your own refillable water bottle!
- Lunch will be delivered to schools/groups once we are finished with the games unless we run out of time, in which case lunch will be picked up on the way out.
T-SHIRTS: We are asking $5 donation for all T-shirts (excluding athletes). Donations can be collected and given during registration on the day of Spring Games. Any extra t-shirts will be sold for $5 at the end of the event.
- Didn’t get a t-shirt? Know someone who wants one? Want a different color? Use the link below to order. THESE WILL NOT BE PRINTED UNTIL AFTER THE EVENT. ($15)
- https://willpromo.com/sonc_alamance/shop/home
T-Shirt Color Code for Athletes:
- Elementary Schools: Blue
- Young Athletes: Orange
- Middle Schools: Army Green
- High School: Purple
- Adults/Group Home: Lime Green
- Elementary Schools/Young Athletes – Track (Pink or Green)
- Middle Schools/Adults – Softball/Tennis ball throws
- High School – Long Jump/Olympic Town
Rotation 2:
- Elementary Schools/Young Athletes – Softball/Tennis ball throws
- Middle Schools/Adults – Long Jump/Olympic Town
- High School – Track (Pink or Green)
Rotation 3:
- Elementary Schools/Young Athletes – Long Jump/Olympic Town
- Middle Schools/Adults – Track (Pink or Green)
- High School – Softball/Tennis ball throws
Lunch: Everyone
Observation Deck:
This is a designated place for all schools and group homes to drop any belongings they may have for the day. It also offers an awesome viewing area of the day’s events! PLEASE, NO TENTS ARE ALLOWED TO SET UP ON ANY PART OF THE TRACK. Please only set up at the designated areas.
There are two entrances to the Softball location. Each athlete will be at one of the three throwing areas.
Track side for each athlete will be different. The side (pink/green) of the track they will be on will be on their name tag the day of the event. Please stick to the assigned side of the track or they will not be able to participate!
Long jump is an official event this year. All athletes (if signed up) will need to report to this area and once they are done, they are encouraged to go hang out at Olympic Town or just hang out. It’s vital that everyone listens for the athlete names to help the events run smoothly.
Parking for Volunteers/Families/Spectators:
Please see the map below for the traffic pattern for volunteers. You will turn onto Williamson Ave off of university drive and will be directed into the new stadiums parking lot. You will then be directed to park in the upper section of the lower lot.
Parking for Buses:
Please see the map below for the traffic pattern for buses.
- Buses are asked to enter Elon’s campus from North O’Kelly off of University Drive. From O’Kelly you will take a right onto Phoenix Ave with another right on Bank of America Drive. Athletes will then be dropped off at the Rhodes Stadium Entrance. Buses will then follow officer direction going through the parking lot crossing Williamson Ave and parking in the back parking lot of the new stadium. Parking Spots for buses will be marked with signs.
- There will be shuttles coming around every 10 minutes or less picking up from the parking lot and dropping off at the entrance of the parking lot. From there, you will cross the road and head into the stadium.
Parking for Vans:
Please see the map below for traffic pattern for vans. Vans will be asked to turn onto Williamson Avenue off of University Drive. Vans can circle around the roundabout, drop off their athlete and then parked in the marked parking for vans only.